Ellen de Lima 85
Awarded singer Ellen de Lima was very popular in the '50s, but continued to perform and record through the '90s. She moved to Rio at two and started as a singer at Rádio Mayrink Veiga in a novice show in 1950. Four years later, she was hired by the station for performances in Rio and São Paulo. She was one of the first artists hired by Columbia and released her first album in 1954 with the samba-canção "Até Você" (Armando Nunes) and the fox "Melancolia" (Allain Romans, version by Capitão Furtado). Her first LP (Só Ellen) came in 1957, having a hit with "Vício" (Fernando César). At the peak of her career in that phase, she moved to Rádio Nacional in the same year. She also performed in TV shows and in many nightclubs. She also toured
Portugal many times, presenting herself at the Cassino Estoril and became a member of the Cantoras do Rádio in 1988, touring Brazil's main capitals and recording As Eternas Cantoras Do Rádio (1991) and two other CDs. In the third volume of the series, she shared a rendition for Gil's "Estrela" with Gilberto Gil.
Helenice Teresinha de Lima Pereira de Almeida, a Ellen de Lima (Salvador, 24 de março de 1938) é uma cantora e atriz brasileira que fez sucesso durante o período dourado do rádio, na década de 1950. Tornou-se conhecida do público por ser a intérprete da célebre "Canção das Misses", escrita por Lourival Faissal, para servir de tema do tradicional concurso de Miss Brasil.