2023. nov 12.

Happy 70th Birthday to BAABA MAAL!

írta: hudobny
Happy 70th Birthday to BAABA MAAL!

Baaba Maal (born 12 November 1953) is a Senegalese singer and guitarist born in Podor, on the Senegal River. He is well known in Africa and internationally and is one of Senegal's most famous musicians. In addition to acoustic guitar, he also plays percussion. He has released several albums, both for independent and major labels. In July 2003, he was made a UNDP Youth Emissary. 


Baaba Maal est un chanteur et guitariste sénégalais d'origine peule. Il est né le 13 juin 1953 sur les rives du fleuve Sénégal, à Podor dans la région du Fouta-Toro au nord du Sénégal, dans une famille de pêcheurs. https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baaba_Maal



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